In iTwin Capture Modeler, upon creation a block is default named Block_1, Block_2... but can easily be renamed to anything, for example Building_1. Running an AT names the AT after the block such as Block_1 - AT, Block_2 - AT, Building_1 - AT... However the reconstruction defaults to Reconstruction_1 and is independent of the block name. For example Block_1 - AT, Block_2 - AT, and Building_1 will each have a Reconstruction_1. Productions also default to Production_1.
In one project, if I have multiple blocks with the intent to merge them all into one but also keep separate productions, the end result is numerous Production_1's and many destination folders named Production_1, Production_1 (1), and Production_1 (2). While I can individually rename these upon creation, it is very easy to forget or misname something and confuse my record of work.
My idea is to change the default names of reconstructions and productions to follow the name of the Block. Block Building_1 would create Building_1 - AT, which would create Building_1 - AT - Reconstruction and the production would be Building_1 - AT - Production. Many projects will sit idle for months before I have to return to it, and having the production names follow the block name would allow me to step back into the project and identify which production goes with which block.