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iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer

Showing 13 of 174

Cumulative calculation of area(surface) and volume values

I am filing on behalf of many Korean users. Especially, in the civil engineering users that they utilizing Mesurements tools for Surface(Area calculation) and Volume. Some of specific civil structures and ground surfaces, there is need to get area...
about 1 year ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 1 Needs review

Wrong cache location

When viewing online reality meshes from URL the cache is saved to Roaming appdata folder(%appdata%\Bentley\iTwinCaptureDesktopViewer\cache). It is not acceptable as it bloats Roaming folder which can take GB of data and then synchronized to roamin...
5 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 4 Needs review

measure perpendicular

there is no way to lock a dimension so it is perpendicular in an iTwin view, making it very difficult to accurately measure in the iTwin, often will have to open the model in OBD to measure
9 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 0 Needs review

2.5D volume calculation

Add option to calculate volume from DSM/DTM raster. Option is now greyed out.
9 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 1 Needs review

Add images to form excel export

the options to export forms or clash detection data to excel does not include the option of images, this is essential to produce a self contained clash report
3 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 0 Needs review

Multiple files

Please add an option to load multiple files to view in the same viewer.
11 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 1 Needs review

When looking for the software on CONNECT center, advise users about ContextCapture name change.

On CONNECT center, software downloads, when you type ContextCapture looking for a product under that brand, a quick legend should advise you that the product has changed names and now is called as the result that appears as a result suggestion. Us...
12 months ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 1 Needs review

iTwin Viewer als Standalone Setup

Could you please provide a setup file only for the itwin viewer ?It would help my colleagues who do not want to download 3gb just to have the viewer.The current "bentley view 2023" only supports some file formats, and 3mx is none of them (see scre...
about 1 year ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 3 Needs review


In Malaysia, other than Esri products, there is Supermap product that similar GIS Desktop product that need 3dm plugins to digit the feature in supermap using Orbit. Can Bentley develop it? it is the same like qgis and Esri Arcmap.
about 1 year ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 1 Needs review

Add a button to Save current ROI as KML

If the user edits the ROI inside Context Capture / iTwin Capture there is currently no way to export that change. It would be very useful to be able to save that new ROI back to KML format for use later or in other 3D display software such as Goog...
over 1 year ago in iTwin Capture Desktop Viewer 0 Needs review