Include tool to break completed 3SMs into smaller or multiple pieces
We have generated many complicated Reality Meshs for a processing plant project. I'd like to be able to break a completed 3SM into smaller pieces (sub-sets) to make the data more managable and more focused for different teams. Currently, I need to...
Missing option in block export to also include machine learning color correction results. When reimporting block in other computer the color correction resets to standard because of this. Please add similar as point cloud export was added.
Constraints are missing report button. If multiple constraints are used it is hard to check if all values are correct as need to go through all of the by one. It is also not possible to rename constraints.
Allow to paste comma separated XYZ triplet from clipboard when creating new Survey. Now it doesn't paste anything if there is comma or space in between digits.
Input AI based image matching to seed the AT tie point matching to improve quality
As AI overall is improving the quality of image matching inputting these results should improve the time and quality of matches to improve overall reconstruction in complex environments
Add option to produce 2.5D DSM from Point clouds. Now the option is greyed out if only Point cloud is imported. This would be useful if only less detailed aerial LIDAR is available. It could be still a reality mesh but utilizing all points and all...
It is included in mesh export but if a client delivers a Cesium mesh, we cannot consume it as at the moment, Open Apps can only consume and attached 3SM and cannot show Cesium and no converters in iTC Modeler or Manage & Extract
Latest version of Cesium is 1.84.0 but the compatibility for this type of production is to the 1.22.2 version. Can you please update the production to work on recent version?
Improve user tie point measurement photo selection by adding additional photo option to show only closest potential matches by selection nearest automatic points near measurement and the photos they view these point. That would discard photos whic...